In this changing world, many existing things have evolved and many have emerged. One of them is health issues, particularly in women. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimation revealed over 116 million women (3.4%) are affected by PCOS worldwide. The polycystic ovarian syndrome is one such heterogeneous endocrine disorder with the underline indication of ovarian cysts, anovulation, and endocrine variation affecting women.
Women are deeply affected by this issue of PCOS, both mentally and physically. They often lose confidence in themselves and may go into depression. Many times, women feel uncomfortable or ashamed of being PCOS. But what they need to understand is that this is just a part of life that can be repaired, and all they need to do is focus on themselves and not what the world thinks about them.
“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”
The Health Capital puts its best foot forward in helping the women combat the health issues they are dealing with by making them aware of the issue and providing them with helpful information that could satisfy their needs.
Knowing PCOS better:
PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a hormonal disorder that causes the enlargement of ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. This is a condition that affects a woman’s ovaries and reproductive parts. The women may develop numerous small collections of fluid and fail to regularly release eggs. One out of every ten women has this problem and this condition has been increasing at an alarming rate in the last 5 years.
The bodies of women with PCOS undergo a lot of changes. Their ovaries produce high levels of androgen than usual, which interferes with the development and release of the eggs.
Causes of PCOS: Are they known yet?
The exact causes of PCOS are not known but it is said to have happened to women because of their lifestyle or could be inherited. What we do know are the contributing factors of PCOS. they are:
- Excess androgen: due to elevated levels of male hormones, your body may show results in physical signs like excess facial and body hair, occasionally severe acne, and male-pattern baldness.
- Excess insulin: insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that allows cells to use sugar. If your cells become resistant to the action of insulin, your blood sugar level can rise and your body might produce more insulin. This will further add to the risk of developing diabetes.
- Low-grade inflammation: inflammation is the process of producing white blood cells to fight infection. Study shows that women with PCOS have low-grade inflammation that stimulates polycystic ovaries to produce androgen, leading to heart and blood vessel issues.
- Genetic factors: women with a history of PCOS in the family have higher chances of having PCOS as it may run in the genes. Therefore, they need to keep monitoring their bodies to know whether they are showing any PCOS symptoms.

Issues indicating PCOS: Understand the signals
A woman’s body, dealing with this issue, undergoes certain changes which may not be evident initially. Once you get a slight hint of the situation, all you need to do is take measures following your symptoms as hormonal disorder needs to be addressed as soon as possible. The symptoms are listed below:
- Irregular periods: this is one of the most common ways to detect whether you have PCOS. you might have fewer than nine periods a year, more than 35 days between two-period cycles, or abnormally heavy bleeding during periods.
- Acne: PCOS acne pattern differs from regular acne as the frequency and distribution of PCOS acne are on the lower half of the face, with increased chances of cystic acne forming here. On the other hand, regular acne can be anywhere on the face.
- Excess body hair growth: For women, the hair may grow in areas where men often have a lot of hair, but women often don’t. This could include the upper lip, chin, chest, and back. The reason behind this is an excess of male hormones called androgens. All women naturally produce small amounts of androgens. But high levels of this hormone can lead to hirsutism.
- Female pattern baldness: These extra androgens(hormonal disorders) can also cause the hair on your head to start thinning, especially near the front of your scalp. This is known as androgenic alopecia or female pattern hair loss.
- Weight changes: High insulin levels increase the production of male hormones called androgens, which further leads to weight gain. It is typically in the abdomen. That is where men tend to carry weight. So, instead of having a pear shape, women with this issue have more of an apple shape. Abdominal fat is the most dangerous kind of fat. That’s because it is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and other health conditions.
How can you treat this?
Now that you have become aware of the PCOS symptoms, you need to see a doctor that will guide you further in this journey. Taking the correct measures is crucial for getting treatment for PCOS as soon as possible and returning to a new normal life. Following are the ways that will help you better your condition:
For a majority of women, medication can successfully treat the issue. a short course of tablets at the beginning of each cycle for several cycles works. A medicine, Clomifene, is usually recommended as the initial treatment for PCOS for women dealing with the issue, who are trying to get pregnant. It encourages the monthly release of eggs from the ovaries.
Be physically active:
Exercise helps in keeping blood sugar levels low. If you have PCOS, increase your daily activity and participate in regular exercise programs. This will prevent insulin resistance and help you keep your weight under control and avoid the risk of developing diabetes and hormonal disorders.
Maintain a healthy weight:
Ask your doctor about a weight-control program, and keep visiting regularly to your dietitian. A low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet might increase insulin levels. Hence, ask your doctor about a low-carbohydrate diet.
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling(LOD) is a minor surgical procedure that may be an option for treatment for PCOS that does not get solved by medication. This treatment corrects your hormone imbalance and can restore the normal functions of your ovaries.
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling:
This is not a commonly used technique but can be used as a treatment for PCOS. Ovarian drilling is usually done through a small incision (laparoscopy), with general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the belly at the belly button. The surgeon then places a tube to inflate the belly with a small amount of air. This lets the surgeon insert the viewing tool (laparoscope) without damage to the internal organs. After the procedure, you can get back to your normal routine within 24 hours. Ovarian drilling can help restore ovulation and improve the chances of becoming pregnant for some people who don’t respond to other treatments.
What do women having PCOS need to know?
PCOS is not a disease. It’s just that you have probably not taken care of your lifestyle due to which your body shows symptoms. The hormonal disorder is a kind of problem that, in a way, hampers a woman’s confidence as no woman would be comfortable with excess hair growth on her face. But you need to know that your body is sending you signals which you need to take action against, and not be against your body or self-sabotage. Look for the treatment for PCOS as ignoring the issue will lead to an increase in the risk of other associated problems.
The right time is when you have noticed the changes taking place in your body. Women must not wait any further to get assurance of their being diagnosed with hormonal disorders.
Going on a pill:
When women with hormonal disorders go on a pill, it is nothing but just an external synthetic hormone that shuts their reproductive system. They must know that this should not be an option of treatment for the PCOS they are dealing with as this may hamper them in the long run. So when you bleed, it’s called a pill bleed which is not the same as a natural bleed. In this case, your hormones are not being produced. Initially, it may feel like a good decision but eventually, the condition worsens and you come to know of this once you stop taking the pill. Therefore, look for other better and safe alternatives for the treatment.

The Health Capital comes to the rescue
The primary goal of The Health Capital has always been to reach out to women across the globe and give them the answers they are looking for, relating to their health. You can connect with us by going through the analysis test on our website and also book an appointment with our specialists for a better experience.
The information provided on our website is completely reliable, and since it is an online consulting platform, you get solutions to your problems at your fingertips. You can get treatment for PCOS through the analysis test. We look forward to serving you and keep making you know and hope that you have a great experience exploring here. We wish for all the women dealing with hormonal disorders they soon get themselves free from this cage. The Health Capital comes up with more such blogs, so stay tuned for the upcoming blogs and get to know more.
1. How is PCOS diagnosed?
There seems to be no specific test for the diagnosis, but the doctors generally start with a discussion of your medical history. Then comes a physical examination that includes checking for excess hair growth, hormonal disorder, acne, insulin resistance, and so on.
2. What are the initial symptoms of PCOS?
Irregular or prolonged periods, excessive cramping and bloating during menstruation, growth of extra, unwanted hair, and acne. Some other symptoms could be hair loss, fatigue, and rapid weight gain.
3. Is there a cure for PCOS?
Yes PCOD is curable, it does not go away on its own you should look for safe and effective medicines to cure PCOD permanently.
4. Who is at a higher risk of getting PCOS?
Lifestyle can have a big impact on insulin resistance, especially if a woman is overweight because of an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. The signs of PCOS become apparent in a woman’s late teens or early 20s.
5. How do I know that my PCOS is getting better?
The initial indication has to be regular periods. Gradually you will begin to notice a drastic reduction in acne and also your weight. There will be no more growth of facial hair. You will observe positive changes in all the problems associated with PCOS.