“Women make the world go round”
– Megan Thee Stallion
A lack of sexual fantasies and a strong urge not to engage in sexual activity that results in significant distress or interpersonal trouble is the key component of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in females. HSDD in women evaluations often involves detailed analysis of the patient as well as the many variables that affect the different aspects of adult female sexual desire.
The Health Capital is there to help women and their partners avoid significant anguish. A woman may not be aware of the HSDD causes that led to diminished sex drive. She runs the risk of making her partner frustrated and concerned about the future of their relationship.
What is Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder?
Different types of reduced sexual desire are referred to as “Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder” in medicine. Hypoactivity refers to a drop in mental or physical activity.
According to the definition of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in females, a woman has heightened stress when she consistently and repeatedly loses interest in sexual activity, sexual fantasies, and sexual pleasure. This stress is clinically important if it is accompanied by sadness, grief, emotions of helplessness, loss, and frustration. The diagnosis depends on the severe personal discomfort that Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder causes.
When a woman’s HSDD symptoms cannot be linked to another kind of sexual disorder, drugs, or physical or mental health issues, hypoactive sexual desire disorder is also diagnosed. The fact that these lacks of interest and responsiveness persist for six months or longer is another aspect of a Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in females diagnosis.
Considering how little is still known about the biology of sexual desire, it is a challenging disorder to identify and treat. Due to patients’ and some doctors’ reluctance to talk about this profoundly private and emotionally distressing disorder, it is also underdiagnosed.
Low Sex Drive (Libido) versus Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Females
A lady does not definitely have hypoactive sexual desire disorder just because she has low libido. In order to establish a diagnosis, hypoactive sexual desire disorder in females must also always be accompanied by high levels of stress brought on by low sex drive (lack of sexual desire). The words HSDD, low libido, and low sex drive are occasionally used interchangeably, despite the fact that the two conditions are frequently connected.
Women may have low libido or sex drive at different points in their lives and in their relationships. Each woman’s low libido is unique, and it’s difficult to measure one’s disinterest in having sex. The woman’s interest may be lower than what is typical for her, and what is typical can change over the course of a woman’s life.
If HSDD in women persists, she should speak with her Specialist in case she is worried that her sex urge might be becoming problematic. Together, they can go over her risk factors and HSDD symptoms, ascertain the severity of the issue, and come up with effective treatment options.

HSDD Symptoms in Females
- A lack of desire in starting or having a sexual relationship.
- Absence or reduction of irrational desire, which is required for sexual pleasure.
- Not reacting to sexual cues or stimulation, which may involve vision or other senses.
- Reduced or lost the capacity to sustain sexual interest or desire for at least six months.
- Excessive levels of personal tension brought on by a lack of sexual desire.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Causes and Risk Factors
The factors that underlie sexuality and desire—or lack thereof—are complex and subject to change throughout time. Various factors are at play, including sexual identity, desire, arousal, orgasm, emotional pleasure, and intention.
Factors that cause Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in females are still not fully understood. Some of them are:
- Breast cancer, diabetes, depression, urinary incontinence, thyroid issues, and multiple sclerosis are just a few of the health diseases that lead to HSDD causes or Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in females.
- As the hormones that can produce (or prevent) sexual desire and excitement may be out of balance, an imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemicals) in the brain may be the root of the problem.
- Some drugs, such as those prescribed to treat depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and some painkillers, may have the adverse effect of lowering libido.
- For some women, relationship problems may be a factor aiding HSDD causes. Women may stop wanting sex with a partner if there is a conflict or a lack of trust in the relationship. (However, it should be emphasised that HSDD in women is prevalent even if she is not in a relationship.)
- Depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem are a few psychiatric problems that may be linked to the emergence of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder.
Sexual desire is controlled by specific brain areas and processes. Dopamine and melanocortin are two neurotransmitters that are involved in the processing of sexual stimuli during sexual excitement. However, sexual excitation impulses are constrained by systems of sexual inhibition that involve brain opioids and other chemicals.
How does HSDD impact relationships?
In a relationship, low sex drive has an effect on both parties. If you wish to improve your sexual desire, you could be apprehensive. You don’t, however, have any feelings of longing or bodily aches. It’s possible that you won’t be able to fulfil the sexual aspect of the relationship while you’re caring for your spouse.
Your spouse may also be impacted by low sex drive. They can believe that they are unattractive and unsatisfied sexually. Problems in relationships may result from this. You and your spouse can take a number of actions before these issues arise.
How do you know if you or your partner is suffering from HSDD?
People with HSDD have little to no sex-related thoughts or fantasies, don’t react to their partner’s sex cues or recommendations, lose interest in sex while engaging in it, or avoid engaging in sex altogether. Therefore, in case you or your partner are showing similar symptoms of HSDD, do make sure to get it checked at The Health Capital. Also, be sure to notice:
- Unusual vaginal or penile discharge
- Warts or sores on the vaginal region
- Frequent or painful urination
- Redness and itching in the vaginal region
- Blisters or blisters in the mouth or lips
- Undesirable vaginal odour
Is There Treatment for HSDD?
Yes, there is a treatment for HSDD. If you are concerned about a lack of desire for sex, go to a healthcare physician with whom you can consult from anywhere like THE HEALTH CAPITAL. HSDD is treatable and tolerable. To assist in the diagnosis of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, the physician may conduct a series of inquiries known as the Decreased Sexual Desire Screener (DSDS). The initial four inquiries are:
- Was your level of sexual interest and desire in the past positive and satisfactory to you?
- Has your degree of interest in or desire for sexual relations decreased?
- Are you disturbed by your diminished sex interest or desire?
- Would you wish your level of interest or desire for sex to rise?
Any lady who responds “no” to any of these will probably not be given a Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder diagnosis. If she indicates “yes” to these, she will also be questioned about additional elements that could be influencing her lack of desire, such as her partner’s relationship, her level of stress and weariness, her physical and mental health concerns, recent childbirth, and other circumstances.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Treatment
The majority of women benefit from treatments for HSDD that targets the various root of HSDD causes. Sex education, psychotherapy, and occasionally medication and hormone therapy are among the recommendations that may be made.
- Sexual guidance and education
Low sex drive can be helped by speaking with a sex therapist or counsellor experienced in handling sexual issues. Sexual response and technique education is frequently part of therapy. Most likely, your therapist or counsellor will offer suggestions for books to read or exercises for couples. Counselling for couples that deal with marital issues may also assist foster feelings of desire and connection.
- Medications
There are numerous effective homeopathic treatments for hypoactive sexual drive, but the choice is patient-specific and takes into account both physical and mental symptoms. Homeopathy aids in treating the underlying illness that may be to blame for decreased sex drive. There are several situations in which decreased sex drive may exist in the absence of any underlying illness.
- Hormone treatment for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
One of the defining characteristics of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) is dryness or vaginal shrinkage, which can make sex uncomfortable and consequently decrease your desire. Some hormone treatments for HSDD that target the symptoms of GSM may improve sex comfort. Additionally, feeling more at ease during sex could increase your desire. Various hormone treatments for HSDD include:
- Estrogen. There are numerous ways to get oestrogen, including pills, patches, sprays, and gels. Vaginal creams and a slow-releasing suppository or ring contain lower levels of oestrogen. Your doctor can explain to you the advantages and disadvantages of each kind. However, oestrogen won’t help with hypoactive sexual desire disorder-related sexual dysfunction.
- Testosterone. Despite the fact that testosterone is present in women in considerably lower concentrations than it is in males, testosterone plays a significant role in sexual function. Although the FDA has not approved testosterone for the treatments for HSDD, it is occasionally prescribed off-label to boost a flagging libido. It’s debatable whether or not women should utilise testosterone. Taking it may result in mood or personality changes, acne, and excessive body hair.

Talk To Doctors at The Health Capital
A woman’s physical and emotional health are significantly influenced by intimacy. Talk to your doctor at The Health Capital about your sexual health problems if your diminished sexual desire is affecting your quality of life. Depending on whatever course of action best suits you, there are numerous alternative treatments for HSDD that might be able to assist you in resolving your issue when you are experiencing HSDD symptoms. A woman’s sexual health is strongly tied to her overall health, and Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder – HSDD symptoms shouldn’t be pushed away.
1. How to increase sexual desire?
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder in females can be avoided and sexual desire can be increased in the following ways:
a. Exercise – Regular aerobic exercise and weight training can improve your body image, mood, libido, stamina, and sex life.
b. Be less stressed.
c. Be in touch with your partner.
d. Schedule time for romance.
e. Spice up your sex life a little.
d. Eliminate bad habits.2. What are the causes of HSDD?
Some of the HSDD causes are as follows:
a. Depression or anxiety
b. Relationship difficulties
c. Concerns about your body image
d. Stress and tiredness
e. Prior sexual assault or trauma
f. Low amounts of sex hormones
g. Bladder issues, diabetes, heart issues, cancer, or multiple sclerosis.3. How to treat HSDD?
When you experience HSDD symptoms, a range of therapeutic options is available, including medication, psychotherapy, sex therapy, and educational and lifestyle changes. The patient should be the focus of treatment. Consider including the patient's partner in the process.
4. How do you know if you have hypoactive sexual desire?
You know you have Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder when you don't care about having sex (have any sex drive or a low sex drive) and it concerns you. It's among the most prevalent sexual issues that people experience. This could be a persistent worry or it might develop gradually.
5. Is the loss of sexual desire a symptom of depression?
HSDD in women may be a main sign of depression, as the same is the inability to take pleasure in activities you usually find enjoyable, such as sex. In addition to having less energy, feeling lousy about themselves, and possibly viewing their relationships negatively, people with depression also experience several other HSDD symptoms, which all affect their sex desire.
6. Is HSDD curable?
As a clinical entity that is legitimate and curable, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder is well established. There are some treatments for HSDD that include easy-to-use, proven screening tools, such as the Decreased Sexual Desire Screener, that can help identify Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and the need for additional assessment and therapy, even for people with little expertise in treating sexual disorders.