“At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility.”
– Jillian Michaels
Genital warts are among the most prevalent sexually transmitted illnesses, and their prevalence is on the rise worldwide. The warning signs and symptoms of genital warts in females may seem quite evident, yet they can be deceptive. Let’s look at how genital warts spread, how to avoid getting infected, and what to do if you do.
The Health Capital brings you this blog to raise awareness about genital warts in females. A person should be well informed so that he/she can take precautions early. After all, keeping good health ensures a good mind.
What are Genital Warts in Females?
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the culprit behind genital warts. More than 200 different kinds of the virus are known to exist; the majority of these generate common warts, but a small number (approximately 40 types) are sexually transmitted and can result in warts, cervical cancer, some genital malignancies, and sporadically some oral cancers. Oncogenic substances are those that lead to cancer. The non-oncogenic kinds 6 and 11 of warts are responsible for genital warts. However, contracting one variety raises your chance of contracting another.
The majority of sexually active individuals will contract at least one kind of sexually transmitted HPV during their lifetime, though they may not be aware of it since the virus often goes away on its own. In simple terms, they are small growths called genital warts that can appear around the genitalia or the anus. Warts can develop singly or in groups. Although they can grow into huge masses, they may be little, measuring 5 millimetres or less. Typically, the warts are skin colour or slightly darker.
Genital Warts Causes
- All warts we develop on our bodies are brought on by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. It’s nearly difficult to avoid coming into touch with one of the more than 100 different HPV strains at some point in our lives.
- The majority of the virus’s variants don’t create any symptoms or problems, but a few of them can give us warts on our hands or feet. Furthermore, HPV-6 and HPV-11 account for 90% of genital warts causes.
- Sexual contact is one of the genital warts causes. Skin-to-skin genital contact, such as that experienced during vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse, can result in the acquisition or transmission of an HPV infection and lead to one more of their causes.

How to know if you have Genital Warts?
The symptoms of genital warts in females are tricky and elusive.
- You’re only likely to notice that you have genital warts if you have a visible outbreak, but you can have a case without any symptoms.
- Warts can show up alone or in a group, and vary in colour: they can be skin tone, a bit darker, or white. Texture-wise they can be either smooth or bumpy (like cauliflower).
- They’re most easily spotted on the penis, scrotum, vulva, or buttocks. But these can also show up inside the vagina, anus, mouth, or throat, meaning they might not necessarily be visible. In those cases, you might notice other symptoms, such as unusual vaginal discharge or itching.
Thankfully, warts don’t usually cause discomfort, but if picked at they might become painful and can also bleed.
How are Genital Warts transmitted?
- Direct touch is the only way to spread genital warts. This means that sharing drinks, towels, baths, cutlery, swimming pools, or toilet seats, as well as hugging and kissing, cannot spread warts.
- However, sharing sex devices is a way to catch them.
- The most common ways to contract warts are through vaginal or anal sex with an infected partner, as well as occasionally through oral sex. Even if they don’t have any obvious faults, this is true (although genital warts are more contagious during an outbreak).
- Additionally, contacting the infected area is sufficient to transmit them rather than having sex.
Are Genital Warts curable?
In general, genital warts treatment is not so widely known. Some afflicted persons experience flare-ups often throughout their lives, while others may only experience one. Even if a person never gets warts themselves, they might still spread them to their partners during sex. But for some people, the virus will eventually leave their bodies and disappear anywhere between a few months and two years. But research has now shown some similar alternative remedies are available to treat it effectively.
Treatment for Genital Warts
You might not need treatment If your warts are not causing discomfort. But if you have itching, burning and pain or are concerned about spreading the infection, your doctor can help you clear an outbreak with specifics or surgery. Still, warts frequently return after treatment. There’s no treatment for the contagion itself.
Generally, genital warts don’t beget symptoms, but they might be painful, itchy, and unsightly. Luckily, several treatments can help. For external warts, these treatments include-:
- Creams, gels, and ointments.
- Cryotherapy( indurating off warts)
- Surgery
- Acid results
- The treatment your doctor recommends depends on effects like how many knobs you have, where they are, how big they are, and your treatment preference.
If you think you may have genital warts or that you have been exposed to them, you should visit a doctor. They should never be treated with over-the-counter drugs for other types of warts or any other home remedies.
Genital Warts In Female
Genital warts can affect both sexes, however, the symptoms may vary. Genital warts in women can develop on the cervix, in and around the vagina, or around the anus. Depending on the person, genital warts in female symptoms can change. Their outward look is their most well-known symptom.
They frequently appear as a single growth, however, they can also appear as groups of several growths. Warts can occasionally produce some degree of vaginal pain, burning when urinating, and itching. Typically mild to moderate in intensity, these symptoms can come and go over time. However, additional potential signs and symptoms might appear as a result of this infection. For instance, they might result in post-sex bleeding. Though less frequent than other symptoms, this one is nevertheless a possibility.
You may have genital warts if you are displaying these signs. The symptoms include:
- Growths that are flesh-coloured or grey on the upper thighs, anus, or vagina
- Growths resembling cauliflower
- Internal growths are possible.
- Itching or leaking from the anus or vulvar area
- Alterations in the urine’s flow
Starting genital warts treatment as soon as you notice them will make it easier. Patients could also require aesthetic treatment because they might be embarrassed. While undergoing therapy, stay away from irritating soaps and lotions. Since it might also irritate the skin, it is better to refrain from sexual activity altogether until the course of treatment. Depending on the type of treatment for genital warts, the therapy’s effectiveness may not show for several weeks.
- Genital warts in females are preventable, but it’s crucial to be aware of the risk if you engage in sexual activity.
- Every time you have sex or oral sex, use condoms. Condoms, both male and female, can be used to help with this.
- If sharing sex toys, cover them with a condom and wash them after each use.
- Do not touch someone who has genital warts on their skin.
- Be sure to cover the affected skin region if you or your partner has warts. Keep in mind that the virus can still spread up to three months after warts have been eradicated, even after therapy.
- Get an HPV vaccination. The HPV vaccine is a highly effective method of guarding against the genital wart-causing virus. 90% of genital warts in young women can be avoided with this vaccine, according to research.
- Regularly check yourself for sexually transmitted diseases like HPV.
Genital Warts In Men
Genital warts in men might show up on the penis, scrotum, or area around the anus. There is no accurate test that can identify genital warts in men.
Genital Warts Male Treatment Includes:
The doctor will visually examine a man’s genital region to determine whether warts are present before making a diagnosis. Some medical professionals would apply a vinegar solution on warts to make them become noticeable and elevated. However, the test is not error-free. Occasionally, healthy skin is mistaken for a wart.
Genital Warts in male treatment cannot be routinely tested for high-risk HPV strains that can result in cancer. The risk of anal cancer brought on by HPV is higher among gay and bisexual men, who are advised to get anal Pap tests. In an anal Pap test, the doctor removes cells from the anus and sends them to a lab to be examined for anomalies.
Genital warts are a typical and manageable consequence of a low-risk HPV infection. Although therapy is necessary to prevent their recurrence and potential problems, they can eventually go away.
Health Capital is your Stop Solution
The Health Capital’s main objective has always been to connect with women all around the world and provide them with solutions to their health-related questions. Our website offers absolutely accurate information, and since it is an online consultation platform, you can easily find solutions to your issues there.
You can take a free health analysis test offered by The Health Capital online at our website. This enables our medical professionals to better understand your condition and provide you with warts treatment and advice as necessary. Stop waiting and come to us with any problems you may have.
1. Are genital warts curable?
The permanent treatment is available only if patients choose individualised medicines. Warts on the genitalia can be managed not cured by choosing topical therapy. Because the warts are being removed, the HPV that produces them will still be present. There is no way to definitively predict when HPV will disappear on its own. Some individuals will recur with warts, while others won't.
2. How I cured my genital warts
The key is to “Don’t shave. Don’t touch. Don’t pick.” Apple cider vinegar is also extremely effective it makes warts disappear and turns to flat red sores. Then scabs. Then away for good.
3. How to stop genital warts from spreading on yourself?
When having oral, anal, and vaginal sex, always use condoms and dental dams.
Even with a condom, avoid having sex when you have visible warts. Warts could exist where the condom doesn't cover them.
Give up smoking. If you smoke, your risk of developing warts may be higher than that of non-smokers, and warts are more likely to recur if you smoke.4. How serious is HPV?
Most of the time, the HPV virus is benign, exhibits no symptoms, and does not result in warts, pre-cancer, or malignancy.
Genital warts are a rare but treatable condition that only affects a small percentage of people and typically go away on their own.
However, some kinds of HPV that you can't see can alter skin cells and occasionally cause malignancies in both men and women, including head and neck, penile, cervical, vaginal, vulval, and anal cancers.5. Do genital warts have any impact on pregnancy?
Premature labour, miscarriage, or any other form of pregnancy issue is not associated with HPV during pregnancy. It does not interfere with fertility or family planning.
Rarely do genital warts interfere with pregnancy or delivery. Warts may increase in size and quantity due to the body's changes during pregnancy. Except in the extremely rare case where warts are obstructing the birth canal, cesarean delivery is not necessary.6. How to remove genital warts?
Some people apply an electric current to warts to burn them out, some remove warts with a knife, wire, or electricity. They all operate by eradicating warts, which eliminates any symptoms and reduces your risk of spreading the HPV infection that caused them to anybody else. This may sound frightening.